Top 5 ways to get off smack

Here are my all time top 5 ways of getting off smack

1. Going away to a hot country.

Take lots of valium (blue 10mls) and some subutex. You should start the valium before the withdrawals and then continue for the first 2 days. Then take a subutex which will remove the remaining gear but not make you feel sick like a naltroxone. Continue with the valium and take subutex for the next few days before stopping. In the mean time go out and have fun. The warm weather will mask the sweats plus you should have access to a nice swimming pool to cool down in and relax those muscles.

I have done this 3 times without discomfort. In fact twice I had normal holidays and didn't even notice the cluck. I may have been benzoed up but I got laid and got a sun tan as well as getting clean.

2. Methadone Reduction

Different people have different stories to tell with this one. I personally hate the juice and coming off it takes 3 times as long as coming off gear. If you can manage to reduce the juice very very slowly over a long period of time then you shouldn't notice the cluck too much. Try and switch to subutex when on a low dosage. I wouldn't recommend just stopping on 30ml or more unless you want to spend 2 weeks in bed rolling around like a pillsbury doughboy in a pool of sweat.

3. Subutex Switch

Stopping the gear and switching to Subutex. This is a tricky one as you have to get it right as if you take a subutex too early it can have naltroxone like effects. I used to pin them (not recommended) and never had any problems until one day it sent me to hell! Trying to pin a second one was also a very stupid thing to do. The first time I did subutex the doctor got the script wrong and instead of giving me 2mls gave me 0.2mls. I was clucking all weekend wondering why the fuck these pills were so shit. Thanks doc!

4. Naltroxone swallowed in the morning.

This is what Detox 5 and other inhouse quick detoxes do except they charge you thousands for it and keep your locked in a room. Taking a naltroxone with gear in your system is not a nice thing to do as it will kick any opiates in your body out there and then and its not a nice experience. However if you can get through the first 4 hours or so then it gets better and by the morning the worst of it will be over. You can try taking other pills to negate the horribleness but you will most likely just throw them back up as soon as the naltroxone kicks in. I have done this a few times when I needed to get clean very quick and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wants as little pain as possible.

5. The old rattle and roll dry bare boned pill free cluck.

This method involves just stopping the gear and clucking it out. The best part of the cluck should be over by the fourth day but it will be four days of rolling from side to side with no concentration, no appetite and a depression of a thousand fore fathers to contemplate. As the pain increases in your body you will find your mind becoming more fine tuned. You will hear the birds singing and actually pay attention, you will feel the grit on your teeth and the clamminess of your skin once again. Lots of warm baths and brushing of the teeth will help and if you have someone to fuck then expel as much dirty water as possible as that most definitely helps.

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